I made a new friend today

And that was a fun feeling. I connected with someone who lives in a completely different time zone and with whom I have no other connections. We were not introduced by a mutual friend. We did not know anything about one another before today. This is what I find fascinating and encouraging about the Internet. It brings us together. We are all everyone. We are, each of us, the universe contained in a mortal physical body with an eternal energy. Being able to meet someone else with whom I can share this universality, without leaving my home, this is remarkable. Could the potential for unity among humans get any easier? And yet it seems so many are still resisting a sense of common humanity. It's incredible the technology we have and I am truly grateful that I was able to make a new friend outside of my usual circle of people that I know. I feel like I have arrived at a moment that will forever change my life. I'm actually excited.