You might be human if

 you've ever written something that in the moment you wrote it you had no idea how much it would help you in the future.  This is I guess a big reason why I have journaled for most of my life, to help me remember things that were significant to me in the moment. I even remember thinking when I was very young and writing about my day that I would one day want to remember the little parts of my day that didn't seem like a big deal. Like getting up and eating whatever I ate for breakfast.  Life and journaling is not just about the big stuff that happens, it's also about all of it. 

I found my old blogs that serve as journals from my early days of being a stay at home mom.  

I read my journals from the time I was 7 years old until I was a teenager.  

Something I wrote when I was 14, that was a big deal to me at the time, but that had long since left my mind as significant, has been a huge piece of getting me through these last few months.  I can't believe that I wrote it, but I'm more grateful that I read it again. That a piece of past me was preserved for future me. That it served a purpose more than just marking a day of my life, that it gave me a window, a glimpse into what time can do for us.  

I may never know what good may come from what I am writing right now.  I have always been a writer and one that my words will be read by more than just me. I may look back and love this a lot. I have grown up on paper. (even though this is digital, there's plenty more where these words are coming from.)

so here's a silly letter to myself in the future:

Dear Andrea,

just now you are eating canteloupe for breakfast at 10:43 in the morning.  your kids are gone to school for their very first day of public school ever.  One day you will chuckle that while they were gone you didn't know what to do so you wrote in your blog/diary. Go take a nap. Go draw a picture. Go watch a movie. (I'm telling myself to do these things right NOW, but you can do them now, like in the future while you are reading this) 

Show up for yourself.  Love who you are.  It shouldn't be hard, so why is it? 

Here's a picture of Phoebe's bunny, patches.
