when I was a little girl I wrote in my journal

so that I would have a way to go back and remember what it was like to be young. I remember having this very thought when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I remember thinking, "I might forget what it is like being a kid when I'm older." so I wrote things that happened every day so that I would always have it. And I still do. Today I want to write because one day I might forget what it feels like to be held. carried. cared for so completely by the unseen world. I have a deep connection to the energy that is connecting the life force that exists on this planet. I love nature and all the people. We are tied together in an inexplicable and infinite way that words cannot adequately express except for one. Miracle. I just looked up the definition of miracle and it is the word I am looking to use. They are sometimes small, these miracles. A text, phone call, email, spot of sunshine, treat on a doorstep, piece of mail. But these things imply objectivity. A...