Your emotional bank account is overdrawn

Please make a deposit. I've never really thought about how I can make deposits and withdraws from my own emotional bank account. I watch the numbers in my money accounts rise and fall, it's factual. logical. you spend the money, you earn the money the numbers don't lie. When I have something happen that drains my account, nearly empty, I need to fill it up again before I can keep going. I feel drained right now. It took everything I had to do the planning session for the week. Kids here, kids there, money, schedules. I was running low and now I'm empty. So how to fill up my account? How to bring my feels to where I am able to give myself and others the compassion we all need and deserve. This is the moment to go inward and upward. This is the time I get to give myself what I need. It seems like this is the part that should come easy. What do YOU want Andrea? What things are going to serve as distraction and what actions will fill my pitcher? Which of ...